
To become a member of Art Deco & Modernism Society of Australia and receive the quarterly Journal, Spirit of Progress, download the Membership Application form. Payment may be made by direct transfer, or by cheque or money order) payable to Art Deco & Modernism Society of Australia Inc.

The categories of membership, duration and fees are set out in the form below.

Discount membership is available to full-time students and pensioners only, and a copy of the current entitlement card must be provided with payment.

The cost for overseas residents wishing to become members of the Society is AUD$110 p.a. to cover extra mailing costs. Payment from overseas residents may be made by Paypal, direct transfer, or by cheque or money order (in Australian dollars) payable to Art Deco & Modernism Society of Australia Inc.

Download Membership/Gift Membership Application Form (PDF) or complete online:

Banking details: BSB: 033-048 Account no: 851024