Spirit of Progress – Autumn 2008
$15.00 – $22.00
Issue 33 featuring An Art Deco Tour of India; A Day Trip to Oak Park; Motor Showrooms; Thai Deco Allusion or Illusion; Clocks of the Art Deco Era; and Art Deco 1910-1939 at NGV
Motor Showrooms – Streamlined Cars, Streamlined Dealerships
Moderne Gardens
A Day Trip to Oak Park
Thai Deco – Allusion or Illusion?
An Art Deco Tour of India
Melbourne & NGV – A Wonderful Exhibition for a Great Art Deco City!
Clocks and the Art Deco Era
…and President’s Report, Preservation News, Brian’s Mail Bag, A World of Deco, Supporting the Spirit of Deco – Membership Acknowledgements and Deco Directory.