Spirit of Progress – Summer 2001


Volume 2 No 1 featuring Deco Hospitals – Can They Survive?; A Stitch in Time; Our Kitchen Deco Reno Experience; Deco Framing; A Walk Around Dulwich Hill; and The Reverso Wrist-Watch

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Deco Hospitals – Can they Survive?
A Stitch in Time
Our Kitchen Deco Reno Experience
Deco Framing – It can be done and we know how
The Reverso Wrist-watch – An enduring classic
J Esmond Dorney Revisited
Art Deco in Burradoo
A Walk in Dulwich Hill
…and President’s Report, Preservation News, Deco Doings, Deco Diary, SADV in Tasmania, Welcome Aboard, and Deco Directory.