David Jones Store, Bourke Street (Summer 2008)

Digital InnovationsPreservation, Victoria

The David Jones (DJs) organisation owns three buildings that front onto Bourke Street Mall. Two are Art Deco treasurers – the former Buckley and Nunn Menswear Store at 310 Bourke (north side) and the former Coles Store at 299 Bourke (south side). DJs is under taking a re-development of the stores, but is aware of the heritage of their buildings …

David Jones Store, Bourke Street (Winter 2008)

Digital InnovationsPreservation, Victoria

As reported in Summer 2008, the David Jones (DJs) organisation has provided a lead to other owners of historic city buildings by nominating their three Bourke Street buildings to the Victorian Heritage Register (H2153 and H2154). The buildings are currently undergoing a major revamp to improve the retailing experience, but within the provisions of permits issued by Heritage Victoria. DJs …