McPherson’s Building, Collins St, Melbourne (Spring 2003)

Digital InnovationsPreservation, Victoria

The renovation of the McPherson’s building at 546-566 Collins Street, Melbourne is making good progress. The restoration of the stunning terracotta and black facade is now complete. Recently, the developers, Bob Angley, Neil Arrowsmith and Paul Schneider, invited interested parties to inspect the interior spaces that will become the retail spaces and apartments. Tenancies are now being finalised, including a food …

McPherson’s Building, Collins St, Melbourne (Autumn 2002)

Digital InnovationsPreservation, Victoria

The McPherson’s Building at 546-566 Collins Street (Reid & Pearson, in association with Stuart Calder, 1936/7) is a classic streamline moderne building, characterised by horizontal lines and featuring terracotta faience and black vitrolite. It was recently sold and it was feared that only the facade would be retained. However, we are delighted that the new owners intend to maintain its …